Custom Ruger 10/22 | It Will Give You a Chubby 😮 This is Part 2 of our Custom Ruger 10/22 Build Series…Let’s see how it performs at the RangeIn this Custom 10/22 Build we’re going to make it badass with parts from...
HOW-TO CHOOSE // The Best Bolt Carrier Group for Your AR-15 Build Have you ever wondered if you’ve got the Best Bolt Carrier Group for the money? Today let’s talk about HOW-TO CHOOSE the Best Bolt Carrier Group for your AR-15 Build. ...
9mm AR Pistol Build // CMMG Banshee New Mods? Remember the CMMG Banshee 9mm AR Pistol? Well, we got some new mods for this 9mm Pistol PDW. (AR Pistol Parts List Below) The CMMG Banshee is also available in .22lr, 45 acp, and 300 blackout....
9mm AR PISTOL or GLOCK Carbine Conversion?! Let’s see of the Glock Carbine Conversion can be as reliable as a 9mm AR Pistol Build. This is my final review of the Fab Denfse KPOS Scout…But I’m on the fence on if it’s...
Hi, I'm Jonathan! I'm passionate about everything firearms related, teaching others about saving money, and helping others create thriving businesses. This blog allows me to combine all three of those passions in one convienent location.
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