IT DIED!! FN 509 Tactical….(Links in Below) Yup the FN 509 Tactical gave up the Ghost the other day…but what happened?? Codes are Listed Beside the products and More Codes towards bottom of page. ...
Shooting 4 CALIBERS from 1 AR-15?? | (Links Below) Let’s find find out how many calibers we can shoot from one AR-15? Is it 4? Is it 5? How much does it cost? But most importantly is it reliable? Codes are Listed Beside...
Build This Glock 34 for STOOPID CHEAP..(Links in Description) Parts List Below ——————————- Promo Codes listed further down Unfortunately this Glock 34 Kit was Discontinued,...
CRAZY AR-15 uses AK Mags…STOOPID CHEAP (Parts List) Let’s look this Crazy KS-47 from Palmetto State Armory. It’s basically an AR-15 that shoots 7.62×39 rounds using standard AK-47 mags.But the best part is the price…....
Hi, I'm Jonathan! I'm passionate about everything firearms related, teaching others about saving money, and helping others create thriving businesses. This blog allows me to combine all three of those passions in one convienent location.
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